Sunday, May 1, 2011

Shoot her day & night

Dear Ewa,

I dedicate this very first entry to my fabulous friend Ewa, the most caring friend, an ultimate romantic and a creative cook! I also named the blog after those fun moments we had after we first saw that wallet! I cherish our friendship because it is an "old school" friendship, a very rare kind nowadays. I guess it is the one that lasts no matter what.

I hope you receive my little something soon and will use it and enjoy it. It´s my turn for a visit now, so we will be seeing each other soon (no fingers crossed :)), as well as shooting each other!

Love you loads and miss you by my side. Distance makes it more exotic, though :)

P.S. Sending you this ugly pic of a very yummy tortilla we ate at Tortillería Flash-Flash - off to make one for me & Yasha.


  1. oli , por dior , for god ... podrías poner una foto de la tortilla redondita , sin empezar ¿tanta hambre tenías?..... bernardito bond

  2. Nos acordamos de sacarle la foto a la tortilla que estaba de muerte cuando casí la acabamos :) Tienes el blog? Yo acabo de empezar el mio, únete! No solo serán cosas de pandas :)

  3. hi oli ! me has pillao ! tienes un bonito blog , congrats!

    PD: tengo varios blogs...

  4. Gracias mil, Jaimito Bond! Me he juntado a uno sobre la musica :)

  5. Totalmente de acuerdo con Bond... a mi me salen unas tortillas redondas más ricas... jajaja!

  6. I love You & Yasha & that ugly pic!!
